Your team for roof
painting and home renovations

Help your roof stand the test of time. Call 0800 TO PAINT (0800 867 2468).

Don't settle for second best! Get a great finish at a highly competitive rate from our experienced house painting specialists.

See real results

Brush-A-Bout offers you the highest standards when it comes to home renovations, roof painting and more! We're a fully mobile operation so we can come to you where ever you are. Please browse the galleries on this page for examples of our past work and contact us with any further enquiries.

Average roof costs between $1995 - $2995

An average roof costs between $1995 – $2995 and is approximately 100 square metres. The example shown in the photo below has been professionally treated by Brush-A-Bout. We've cleaned it, tightened up loose nails and treated the rust using the Wattyl Kill Rust system. The finished photo has had two coats of Wattyl All Weather roof paint applied to it.



Iron roofs

Iron roofs need regular maintenance to ensure they stay safe.

Brush-A-Bout can water blast your roof clean, tighten any loose nails, replace any missing nails and treat your roof for rust.

To make sure your roof stands the test of time, we'll apply two coats of either Solar Guard roof paint or Wattyl All-Weather roof paint.

Decramastic and concrete tile roofs

Taking care of your roof is essential to protecting your home. Brush-A-Bout offers you comprehensive services to properly maintain your roof. We can water blast the grime off your roof, fix or replace broken tiles, seal any gaps (i.e. mortar), and finally apply one coat of base coat and two coats of Solar Guard roof paint.

Get a fantastic finish on your next painting job. Call 0800 TO PAINT!

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